The World


Upright position

The state of inner harmony, resource, energy of a high level. A person is attuned to the world. Auspicious events and bright people come to life. There is enough energy for all the necessary things.


Find inner harmony and act on it.

Reversed position

A person begins to lose inner harmony. Something knocked them out of the resource state: fears, distrust of the world, lack of love and acceptance.


Try to track negative patterns and return to a state of harmony. Act out of acceptance and love.

Upright position

The state of inner harmony, resource, energy of a high level. A person is attuned to the world. Auspicious events and bright people come to life. There is enough energy for all the necessary things.


Find inner harmony and act on it.

Reversed position

A person begins to lose inner harmony. Something knocked them out of the resource state: fears, distrust of the world, lack of love and acceptance.


Try to track negative patterns and return to a state of harmony. Act out of acceptance and love.